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God is the creator of all things.

God is in all things. From the smallest rock, to the highest mountain, He is in the air, and in the sea. He is all around us, and within us. His signature is even found within our DNA.

God is the author of all things. The beginning and end. The alpha and omega. The Great “I AM”

God is omnipresent and omnipotent and He is present everywhere at all times, which is how He can be there in real time for anyone who calls upon His name in prayer.

God has unlimited universal power and authority and nothing and no one can come against Him. No, not even Satan.

God exists outside of time, space, and matter and therefore has no beginning nor end because He is not bound by the rules of this planet which He created for us.

God is the all-powerful, all-knowing, divine energy source from which we all come from, and one day will all return to. Whether or not we get to stay with Him in the afterlife, or not, is entirely up to us because God gives us the freewill to accept Him or reject Him. If a person ends up in Hell when they die, it’s not because God is condemning them to Hell, but in fact He is honoring their decision to live without Him. And the absence of God’s love and grace in one’s life is the definition of Hell. God wants to have a relationship with you, for you are one of His children. He created you. He knows you, and He loves you!

Many people in this world are sharing their near death experience (NDE) stories with others. A near death experience is when a person clinically dies and gets to experience the other side before they are sent back to earth by God, usually being told that their work on earth is not yet complete.

NDE’ers claim to see several things when they die, one is that they experience God the Creator, or as I like to call Him, God the Father, as a pure white light which is radiating an overpowering, all-consuming energy of unconditional love and acceptance unlike anything they’ve ever experienced on this earth. Many people also experience God in Human form as Jesus, who also radiates this same intoxicating pure white light and unconditional love and acceptance. Some people have also claimed to be greeted by loved ones, or a spiritual guide of sorts.


Father God sent Jesus to earth 2,000 years ago so that we might have a way to experience Him in the physical form. Therefore if we don’t follow Jesus, we really have no other way of understanding who God is, what He expects from us, how He wants us to live, How He wants us to love one another and ourselves.

Jesus is God manifested in human form. He has all the same power and authority as God, and therefore is considered to be God, along with the Holy Spirit who is the voice of God, whom we will talk more about later.

Jesus came to heal people who were physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually broken and He still does these things today for those who call upon His name to help them.

He came to earth knowing that one day, at the age of 33, He was going to suffer and die on the cross, but on the third day, after dying, He would be raised from the dead by Father God. When this happened, Jesus overcame death, and in doing so, created a way for you to overcome death too. He did this so that He could become the perfect blood sacrifice, so that your sins could be forgiven by God so that you can live forever with Him. The only thing you have to do to be forgiven of your sins is to believe in Jesus, and humble yourself enough to ask Him for forgiveness.

Jesus came to free people from the spirit of religion. Jesus was not Catholic, nor was He Christian. If He was, He would have been worshiping Himself. Jesus was a Jew, and the Jewish religious leaders really did not like Him very much because they did not like His correction and what He had to say. To learn more about what Jesus said, you can read the New Testament in the Bible. You do not need to go to a physical church to have a relationship with Jesus. However, it is very important to find a group of people you can gather with who believe in Jesus so that you can pray together, support and comfort one another.

NOTE: When choosing a church, be very careful because many church leaders today are deceiving people and are no longer following the word of God, but that’s another topic for later. I suggest joining Kim’s group. She posts lessons each week and the group meets via Google Meets three times per week.

Jesus came to earth to free ALL people from the need to be perfect in order to go to Heaven and be with God the Father for all eternity. Along with other commands, Jesus came to help us fulfill the Law of Moses, which is also known as the Ten Commandments. Before Jesus came, God saw that humans were not able to do this on their own. So that is why God sent Jesus to us ALL because NO ONE can live a perfect life. It’s humanly impossible to be perfect because we live in a fallen world, and therefore we cannot get into the highest level of Heaven on our own by simply being a good person and trying our best. We needed a savior and God knew this which is why He sent Jesus to us.

In the eyes of God, sin is punishable by spiritual death, which is everlasting separation from God. Permanant separation from God is referred to as Hell. And if God is love, and God is everything good, then Hell is the opposite of love (which is fear), and the absence of anything good.

If you’ve ever lied, gossiped, cheated, stolen, put other things before God, used God’s name as a swear word, you have sinned. Remember how I said that it is impossible for humans to be perfect? We’ve all done these things at one point or another in our lives, so please don’t take this personally. We must all humble ourselves and realize how flawed and imperfect we are, and that’s okay.

Imagine that you are standing in front of a judge, and he has all these charges pending against you, and unless someone who loves you very much comes along to pay your outrageous bail, you will be going to prison for a very long time. As you stand in front of the judge sweating bullets, you realize that this whole time you thought you were a good person, and now, to your surprise, that is not enough because you cannot possibly save yourself.

Now imagine, in walks Jesus, who knows the judge personally. He walks up to the front of the courtroom, puts His arm around you and says to the judge, I know this person. They talk to me every day, share their life with me, and ask me for guidance. Throughout their life they have put a genuine effort into following your laws, and when they have failed, they have genuinely asked me for forgiveness… AND BECAUSE OF THAT I HAVE FORGIVEN THEM. SO LET IT BE SO THAT THE BLOOD I SHED ON THE CROSS FOR THEM, FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF THEIR SINS, BE ENOUGH TO PAY THE DEBT, AND RESCUE THEM FROM PRISON.

Jesus also helps us by infusing us with His super-natural strength, which gives us the ability to overcome sin. There have been times in my life where I have prayed to Jesus to help me stop craving something that I was addicted to, and He answered my prayer and I ended up having zero desire to do that particular thing again. Jesus has the power to heal us energetically on a cellular level. I’m not saying that it’s not a struggle at times, but I feel that sometimes it is the struggle that brings us closer to God when we need to pray to Him for strength and guidance. Sometimes God uses addiction to bring you into a deeper relationship with God, and when it’s your time to be completely healed, you will be healed, but NEVER stop praying and talking to God.

Eventually each one of us will face the day where God separates those who love Him, from those who don’t, and when that day comes, unless you’ve prepared ahead of time by choosing to have a relationship with Jesus, your eternal soul will be sent to Hell because no one will be there to bail you out.

The Gospel of Jesus is so simple. It’s humans who complicate it.

Some Near Death Experiencers have experienced going to Hell when they died. Most of these people were living worldly, careless, reckless lives that God would not approve of, and when they were sent back to earth they told everyone what they learned;  that if God sends you to Hell, it’s not because He’s punishing you, it’s because He is honoring your lifelong decision to reject Him and live without His presence in your life on earth.

NDE’ers say that Hell is the complete absence God. The absence of God’s love, grace, peace, protection, and joy… and it is absolutely awful. Because He loves us, God gives us the freewill to choose to have a relationship with Him or not. The evil one, Satan, is the one who forces people to do things they don’t want to do. In the end, you will end up lying in the bed you make for yourself. And God gives us the freewill to choose what that will look like. You will never regret choosing Jesus.

Jesus loves you so much that He came to earth to save you, by dying for you knowing full well that you might reject Him. Now that is true love!


The Holy Spirit is the guiding voice of God, and once you accept Jesus into your life as your personal Lord and Savior, and friend, you will develop a mindful heart that is guided by the divine power of God. There is no other way to develop a mindful heart. It is also important to be water baptized as a proclamation to God and Jesus that you accept them into your life.

The Holy Spirit will now speak to you. Sometimes it will sound and feel like a whisper on your heart, other times it will be loud and clear. It will convict you of sin before you do it, it will get you back on track when you sin, it will show you how to truly love others and yourself. As a follower of Jesus you will radiate the light and love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

When you are tired, and fed up with this world, and you can’t seem to find the words to pray to Jesus because you have too much going on in your head and heart, ask the Holy Spirit to pray to God for you and He will intercede for you and pray the perfect prayer for you.

After accepting Jesus by saying this prayer, you can (and should) ask the Holy Spirt for guidance before making an important decision, or any decision for that matter, and if something is not meant for you, or if it is a deception of the evil one, something within you will recognize that and will be guided away from that particular thing. God protects those who love His son, and He does that by speaking to them through the Holy Spirit.


The one true living God is experienced through the trinity; Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. The best way to explain this is through the tree analogy. A tree is composed of three parts. Father God is the roots which create a strong unshakable foundation, Jesus is the trunk which holds up the entire tree. The trunk is the part that we can see and experience, because the roots are hidden underground. The Holy Spirit is the branches which feed living water or sustenance, or the voice of God to the leaves… and we are the leaves.

One tree, different parts. If we, as leaves, detach from the tree, and stop following God through Jesus, we die spiritually, which is why it is so important to stay firmly attached to God by spending time with Him each by speaking to Him in prayer, and by reading and studying His word (The Bible).

Thanks for stopping by to read my blog! Please go to my contact page to add your name to my email list so that I can notify you whenever I post a new blog or podcast. I hope you’ll visit with me again next week for more spiritual enlightenment!

Want to work with me directly? Check out my spiritual wellness coaching package. It’s like regular therapy, but with a focus on your soul, spirit, and God. Our soul is who we are at our deepest level, so to neglect nurturing this part of ourselves is like asking a flower to grow without sunlight.

If you’re looking for an awesome FREE Bible study group, check out “We Are Jesus Doers”.

And remember, you will never regret choosing Jesus. To officially invite Him into your life, say this prayer.

In Spirit & Truth


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