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Important Links

Here are some important links. Please check them out when you can. MY TESTIMONY…

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We Are Not Our Physical Bodies

Today I want to talk about a lie that many people believe which is, that…

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How to Ask for Forgiveness

You may have heard the saying “Jesus Saves”, but what does it actually mean? In…

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Warning Dreams & Visions

I wanted to tell you all about 3 very powerful dreams, and visions I’ve had…

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What is the New Earth?

If you've ever felt that this world we are living in has become too much…

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How to Love Like God

I believe that we are living in a very important period in human history, and…

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What is Soul Vision?

We are living in an age of spiritual growth… and growth isn’t always comfortable. We’re…

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God is the creator of all things. God is in all things. From the smallest…

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Jesus is the bridge between man and God. He has the power to wash away…

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