Today I want to talk about a lie that many people believe which is, that…

How to Love Like God
I believe that we are living in a very important period in human history, and in the journey of our collective souls. I can see that we are being challenged to evolve spiritually to the next level of higher consciousness. We are being taught to love one another as God loves us, but at the same time we are being taught how to see that we cannot really love one another if we do not understand how God loves.
I see that the only way to learn what love is, is to also learn what love is not because a person cannot understand the light, until it also understands the darkness and can compare and see or feel the contrast between the two. And unfortunately there is quite a bit of darkness in today’s world serving this purpose. There is so much hate in this world, even from seemingly compassionate, loving people. But humanity has not yet learned how to love one another despite our differences. That is real love. People still believe that we all need to have the same opinions about things in order to love one another. That is an unrealistic and highly unachievable goal.
Sometimes love only goes one way, and that’s okay because it’s not real love if we expect something in return when we give it to others. For example, even though it’s not completely Biblical, I was recently watching the movie series, The Chosen, which is fantastic and I highly recommend watching it if you want to learn more about the life of Jesus and who He was as a person while He was here on earth. In this episode, Jesus and two of His disciples were walking down the street, and a group of people came along and spit on them and called them hurtful, derogatory names. To which Jesus’ disciples yelled and screamed back more curse words at them and demanded that Jesus use his power to call down lightning bolts from Heaven and strike them. Jesus went on to teach them the error of their ways, and to not repay evil with evil (or in this case, anger with anger)… in fact, later in the episode, Jesus and His followers ended up seeing that the only way that evil, anger, and hate can be dissolved is with love, and therefore, His disciples ended up plowing and seeding an entire field for one of the members of the same group who spit on them. They did this for no other reason than in order to love one another we must show it with our actions… not just with words. We also must forgive others quickly, and not take their attacks personally. When a person experiences a selfless act of kindness it can change the minds and hearts of others working to completely dissolve hate and prejudices.
There are some powers that be in this world who are controlled by the evil one (Satan), who laugh, and laugh, and laugh, at these social agendas being pushed that are ripping and tearing people apart. The more labels they trick us into putting on people, the more humanity is developing an “us vs. them” mentality. This “us vs. them” mentality is hate disguised as virtue. And as the Bible says, “Satan comes disguised as an angel of light” 2 Corinth 11:14 meaning that Satan will trick people into doing his dirty work of spreading hate by making them believe they are doing it for all the right reasons, but Jesus taught us that there is NEVER a good reason to hate another person or group of people because God loves everyone. He loves everyone because He personally created you and everyone you meet. There is NEVER anyone you will meet in this world that God does not love. But God loves us so much that He gives us freewill to choose love over hate, or to choose Satan over Himself. Freedom is love, which is why God allows people to have a relationship with Him and Jesus or not to.
Jesus said in the Bible, if you love me, you will obey my commandments. Right before He was crucified, Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, and He responded by saying this: The first is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is to love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12: 28-34
Now here is another thing that most people don’t quite understand yet. That in order to live in love, we must help our brothers and sisters to stay away from what God has deemed “sinful” through gentle correction. If you saw that your friend had become distracted at the wheel of their car and were about to drive straight into a ditch, you’d grab the wheel and correct it so that they would avoid getting hurt and stay on the road. You would do this because you love them and care about them. Same concept applies for keeping your friends away from sin. Truly loving someone doesn’t mean you would allow them to fall into a ditch. This is much of why God wrote the Bible, to keep us out of trouble and give us some “rules for the road of life”. Many people today don’t even understand what the rules are because our society has basically removed the teachings of God from every part of our society except the church itself… and honestly, many churches aren’t even following the word of God anymore because they are afraid of the backlash they might receive from teaching the teachings. These people don’t see the word of God as a living, breathing example of God’s love because it inconveniences them and requires them self and others to deny much of their “earthy”, or “fleshly” impulses… but in order to love, this is something we must get used to doing because walking in the true love of God is not easy.
We are challenged to hate sin itself, but not to hate the sinner. We must learn the distinction between the two because they are not mutually exclusive. One is a person whom God loves, the other is simply an action that the person carried out. In other words, we are called to hate sin, and love people, and to help them to stay walking in the light of God, and to not be tempted to walk in the darkness of the evil one. This is why it’s so important to learn for yourself what the Bible says, so you can walk closely with God. If you’re looking for an online Bible study group, I suggest the “We Are Jesus Doers” group. You can find them on YouTube and on other platforms.
In a nutshell, sin is what God considers the absence of love. Simple teachings such as the Ten Commandments, The Seven Deadly Sins, and the Fruits of the Spirit were written to help humanity understand “at-a-glace” what is considered good and evil in the eyes of God so that the negative ripple effect of evil would not leech out into society. The more we choose to break these commandments through our actions, the more society as a whole will suffer (Remember, God gives us the freewill to do these things if we choose to because loves us, and love does not try to control other people, but it does try to help them).
God is not stupid though, He knows we’re only human and that we are going to mess up repeatedly throughout our lifetime, but He wants us to try our absolute best to walk with Him, mirror the behavior of Jesus in our lives, and love how he loved. And when we mess up, all we have to do to cancel out our sin, is to ask His Son Jesus for forgiveness, which is why God sent Him to earth in the first place, to die for our sins, because He knew humans could never live a perfect and sinless life as Jesus did. In order to graduate to the highest levels of Heaven, a person must appear spotless and blameless when they stand before God on judgement day, and the only way to do that is to have your sins pardoned and your slate wiped clean through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Jesus came to earth to save it, not to condemn it!
Please know however, God did not send Jesus to earth to suffer and die for us so that we can use Him as a “get out of jail free card”, while God knows that people will mess up and sin, He wants people to love Him enough to try and please Him, and therefore put a genuine effort into living their life according to His teachings. For example, if you’re in a relationship and the person cheats on you, and they say sorry, but they keep on cheating on you over and over again, they do not really love you, nor do they have any respect for you. The first time is a mistake, the rest is one big middle finger mocking your forgiveness. Do your best to not repeatedly cheat on God.
Love is not easy. Love is hard work. Love is doing things like praying for the people who hurt you instead of condemning them. Love is caring about the welfare of others. Love is giving to others; giving of your time, attention, money or talents, especially to those in need. Love is forgiveness. Love is humility. Love is gentleness. Love is patience. Love is kindness. Love is God in action in our lives. Whenever you give love, you are giving God to others.
Many people in the world today care too much about instant self-gratification, gaining the approval and admiration of others, and obtaining more money and power, none of which have anything to do with love. Many people live only for this world in the here and now, and not for the world to come which Jesus promises to those who love and abide in him. A world where evil of any kind cannot and will not exist. What a beautiful day it will be to live in this world… the question to ask yourself here is “am I living my life for this earthly world, or for the next?”. I warn you that living your life for this world has absolutely no benefit for your eternal soul. And while it may seem that this life we are living is long, in comparison to eternity, it is just the blink of an eye. If you do not make it to this beautiful new world, where will you end up?
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, yet loses his own soul”. Mark 8:36
Loving others does not always come naturally, but while Jesus was on earth He taught us what love should look like. God promises that He will place a crown of righteousness upon the heads of those who believe in Him, humble themselves and follow Him by modeling their life after how Jesus lived. And by living your life this way, not only will you be rewarded later in the world to come, but you will be given more blessings in this life in the here and now.
In Spirit & Truth
Would you like more clarity and peace in your life? Check out my Christ-centered Spiritual Healing package and work with me personally. (It’s like life coaching, but with a focus on spirit and soul… because that’s when real transformation begins to happen).
And check out Kim’s FREE online Bible study group on YouTube.