Here are some important links. Please check them out when you can. MY TESTIMONY…
I grew up Roman Catholic. I knew Jesus, and loved Him, but I didn’t really have a true understanding of His character, His teachings, or the importance of why God sent Him to us. That all began in 2020 during the pandemic when I began to study the Bible with my friend Kim Keel.
I joined Kim’s online Bible study group called “We Are Jesus Doers”, which I discovered after listening to her incredible near death experience testimony where she met Jesus face-to-face. Jesus ended up placing His hand on her shoulder and told her that He was sending her back to teach people His word, because His own people don’t know His word.
Kim passionately teaches this FREE Bible study class, and through the years she’s taught me so many things. I highly suggest you that you study the Bible with her. Why? Because the Bible is the word of God and if you don’t know God’s word, you are at risk of being deeply deceived in this world. If you are searching for the truth in a world full of lies, you need to possess a strong understanding of God’s word. Also, when you read the Bible, you are fellowshipping directly with God. It’s not just a book, it’s alive, and it’s one of the main ways that God will communicate with you.
Kim pours her heart and soul into teaching people God’s word, so please check out her videos on YouTube, and join her on Friday & Saturdays at 8:00pm, and Sundays at 2:00pm on her group Google Meet calls using the log in rao-ubof-mvi. More information can be found on her website.