Warning Dreams & Visions
I wanted to tell you all about 3 very powerful dreams, and visions I’ve had over the past six years. I’ve had more than this, but these three stick out as some of the most important ones to pay attention to.
Back in early 2017 when Trump and Clinton were running against each other for the presidency, I had a very strange dream one night where I found myself behind a big boulder rock that was down in a valley, or a gully. A male was with me, who I now believe to be my spirit guide. He instructed me to peer around the boulder and look up the hill, so I did. What I saw shocked me so much. I saw that the earth was burning. The trees and bushes were crackling and roasting on fire, and I saw the silhouettes of two men and they were angrily beating the crap out of each other. The scene was very scary, but I remember that I was not scared. I think this is because I was being protected by my spirit guide who is a divine being. He then asked me, what do you think? I paused, and said to him “It’s not supposed to be this way”. He seemed pleased with the answer I gave, then the scene changed and I was walking through a city and the music from the movie Annie was playing, and the song was “the sun will come out tomorrow, so you gotta hang on til’ tomorrow. They’ll be sun.”
I had no idea at the time how Biblical this dream was because back then I was not into reading the Bible at all. I had nothing against the Bible, but I thought it was optional. I now realize however that the Bible is the word of God and it was given to us for a reason, so that we will know how to live our lives and how we will know what to be aware of when the end times come, which is the season we are in now.
The Bible says that in the end times lawlessness will about and the hearts of many will grow cold. This means that people will grow angry, resentful, hostile, hateful, without compassion towards each other. This is what I saw in the dream with people fighting. I also believe that the earth was on fire due to asteroids. I believe that the song in the end was there to remind me of the promise of the New Earth that God has promised those who follow him and live their lives the way we are instructed to live, loving our neighbor as we love ourselves. Helping those who need help, and yes, sometimes that means correcting people when they fall out of the ways of God because this, while it might hurt them for a moment, you are actually helping them to stay on the good side of the street so that they may live a good life.
I then had another powerful dream around October of 2017. I was in a deep sleep until suddenly a loud voice woke me up saying “THESSALONIANS”. I started to fall back to sleep and it happened again. I could sense that it was important, so I grabbed a pen and piece of paper from my nightstand and wrote it down. The next morning I Googled what it meant and it was the name of a book in the Bible. Again, at this period in my life I was not reading the Bible at all so there is no way that I would simply dream of this word. I believe that it was God or my spirit guide telling me that I need to start paying attention to what’s going on in the world. Thessalonians in the Bible talks quite a bit about the end times and what to expect and look out for. For whatever reason, I still did not pick up a Bible to read and more time went by before I cracked one open during the pandemic in 2020. This is also where I started to follow my friend Kim’s Bible Study group, which I highly suggest you do to. If you’re interested in that, please go to jesusdoers.com to get more info. Kim met Jesus face-to-face during her near death experience.
Luckily, God does not give up on people and he put me in a very stressful situation, which I will talk more about later, but this situation opened my eyes to the importance of the times we are living in, and also to the fact that there are very evil powers at play in this world that have run our planet for a very long time, who don’t care about us, and their main goal is to lie, kill, and destroy God’s children (which is all of us). Long story short for now, I stepped out of the darkness of the matrix and into the light and I hope to help you to do the same because it’s very liberating!
Flash forward to Summer of 2021. My family and I were camping and even though it was 3am, our 2 year old son was not sleeping. I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was go to bed. My son was crying, he didn’t like camping. I bent over to pick him up to hold him and then BAM! I got a strong vision of the Statue of Liberty. I was looking at her through what appeared to be a sniper lens of a gun. The sniper lens instead of having crosshairs (one straight line up, and one straight line across) it had a grid pattern on it with four lines up, and four lines across. And I heard an audible voice say “They have America in their sights”. As this was being said, I felt a sense of urgency, then the vision ended.
The Bible says that in the end times, Babylon (or America) will lose its blessing from God because it will have become so prideful and sinful and the only thing that would heal their nation would be if people put their pride aside and repented, or asked Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins. This is already starting to happen. Some may ask, why has God turned His back on us? To this I say, He has not turned His back on us, we as a nation have turned our back on God by taking Him and His word out of our schools, out of our government, and out of our homes. That would have protected us from this fate. However, we have tried to live life on our own without guidance from God, and we have gone down the wrong path. Greed, sexual immorality, violence, and hate have become the norm and our world is breaking down. The Bible says that pride comes before the fall, and my oh my how prideful we have become as a people to think that we can live without God, when God is the one who made each and every one of us, and God made everything we can see, feel, taste, touch, and smell. God is in ultimate control and when things are good, that is a blessing from God.
God said that in the end times He will give the people over to their sins and reprobate minds (which means immoral minds) so that they can see and understand for themselves what happens when we do not follow God and live by His word, which instructs us how to live so that we can live happy and prosperous lives.
Humans doing what humans do, will have to learn the hard way about love and forgiveness, simplicity, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
We have pestilences, the U.S. Dollar is crashing, our food industry is collapsing, the earth is shaking with earthquakes, floods, tornadoes and other strange happenings. Which by the way the Bible says are signs of birth pains that the end times and the time of Jesus’ return is near. By the way, the evil powers that be in this world have been starting to talk about aliens lately. Why is that? Well, how else are they going to explain away the disappearance of millions of people once the rapture happens? Food for thought. Interesting, right?
“The Lord is faithful, He will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one”. 2 Thessalonians 3:3
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Kim’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WAJD1