You may have heard the saying “Jesus Saves”, but what does it actually mean? In…

We Are Not Our Physical Bodies
Today I want to talk about a lie that many people believe which is, that their identity is completely based on their physical human body, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Too many people place their personal value on how they appear physically. Are they pretty enough? Sexy enough? Handsome enough? Tall enough? Skinny enough? Buff enough? Is their hair smooth enough? Are their eyelashes and nails long enough? but there is something much more important that makes us who we are, and that is our eternal soul, which is completely unique, and was created by God.
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you”. Jeremiah 1:5
People who have had a near death experience (NDE), which is when a person clinically dies, and their soul comes up and out of their body, and begins to cross over to the other side, report that once their soul was separated from their physical body, they looked down from the ceiling at their lifeless body and had zero attachment to it, reporting that they still felt like “them”. They still had their thoughts, and personality. They were still who they were just a few moments ago when they were alive, but now somehow, they’ve been released from their restrictive “body suit”. Some people say that at first, they didn’t even realize they were dead because nothing really changed after they died except for the shedding of their human body. Many people claim that they felt so free and peaceful after leaving their body.
Our bodies are simply the “vehicle” we use to get around this earthly plane while we’re alive, so that we can engage and interact with other humans. You can’t usually see a soul with the naked eye, which is why need to have these physical earthly bodies while we’re alive. This is why God sent Himself to earth through His Son, Jesus, so that He could talk to people, and personally teach them about His ways.
God does not make mistakes. He created each one of us to be unique, not cookie cutter replicas of “Hollywood” mannequins. Before we’re born, God designed us to be, who we were meant to be, because who we were meant to be, is directly connected to the plan and purpose God has for our lives.
God chose everything about us; our nationality, our gender, and the unique details of our physical bodies, such as whether or not we’ll have dark brown hair, or freckles, or if we’ll be short or tall, but to Him, that’s not the most important thing, what matters most to God is whether or not our souls learn the lessons we’re supposed to learn during this lifetime while we’re living in our temporary human bodies. Who we are in this life, was pre-determined, and pre-agreed upon, by God, and us, on the other side, before we were born because that is the “avatar” we chose to experience this lifetime through.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”. Isaiah 55:9
This world we live in convinces us that it’s completely normal to get plastic surgery, and other types of invasive treatments in the name of beauty, “self-love”, and “self-care”. However, there is something important you must consider before making a decision to permanently change your physical body away from the original design that God gave you, which is that before we are born, it is determined by God that certain souls, or people, are meant to play various roles in our lives, or to help us in very specific ways. Eventually in life, our paths will cross with these people, and they will be drawn to us, or we will be drawn to them. Studies have shown that people are often attracted to people who look similar to themselves. So therefore, if you alter the look of your nose for example, you may be erasing the very thing about yourself that your special person would have been subconsciously attracted to because it resembled their own nose shape, or perhaps the nose shape of their mother or father which they subconsciously find familiar comfort in.
This especially true if a person undergoes very drastic changes in their appearance, such as gender reassignment surgery. What you consider to be a fault in your physical body, could actually be the very thing that “your person” is supposed to fall in love with, or be attracted to. So please use caution if you are thinking about changing your appearance. In an attempt to make your life better, you could actually be taking a major detour off of your life path, delaying your own God-given destiny and happiness by pushing away your soul connections. Of course this varies, depending on how drastic the changes would be.
We have to remember that God’s ways are much greater than our own ways that that He can see the big picture and plan for our lives even when we cannot. God loves us so much that He gives us the freewill to make our own decisions, be it for good, or for bad. However, we usually mess things up when we decide to go against Him, by not trusting God’s plan for our life.
Once day you will die, and you will stand in front of God and your life will be reviewed, and you will be asked, “did your soul learn the lessons it was supposed to learn?”, and “how did you serve your fellow man?” You will not be asked “How attractive were you able to make yourself?” We as humans cannot be of service to other people, nor can we learn our soul lessons, or grow in God’s love if we are preoccupied with our physical looks, or this physical world as a whole for that matter. We need to live this life on a soul level, because that is who we really are!
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:2
There are other physical, materialistic things which are connected to this earthly physical realm that people often fixate on, and believe that they too define who they are as a person. Things like how cool and fast your car is, or how big your house is, or how impressive your degree and career are. Also, which celebrities you follow and which music defines you. While these things might impress other humans, they do not impress God. God is only impressed with the growth and maturity of your soul, how deeply you cared for others (and yourself), and how passionately you pursued a relationship with Him by talking to Him, and getting to know Him better. God wants us to find our identity in Him, because He is the only one in this whole world who knows us better than we know ourselves, and still chooses to love us with a love so deeply unconditional that no human words could ever explain it. Many people are searching to fill a void in their hearts which can only be filled with the love of God. Nothing from this earth will ever be able to fill this void. No amount of money, sex, or power will ever be able to fill this hole in our hearts, because God is the only one who has the missing puzzle piece we are looking for. And God does this on purpose, so that hopefully, one day, you will journey back home to Him, so that one day, you can be with him forever in joyful eternity.
Satan tries to convince people to obsess over their physical appearance, and the physical things of this world, in order to keep them from fulfilling the life mission that God has for them. This tactic, keeps people from growing closer to God, and from making the most of their time here on earth by basically ensuring that you waste your life thinking negatively about yourself and worrying about trivial things.
I’m not suggesting that we should neglect taking care of ourselves. God gave us these bodies and he wants us to care for them, and protect them, but rarely do our bodies have anything to do with why we as souls journey to this earth to have an earthy experience.
Humanity is entering into an intense era of spiritual awakening, so the first thing to embrace as you take this journey, is to free yourself from the mindset that this world, in all its physicality, is all there is. It’s time to go a little deeper, and get to know your true self a little better by focusing on who you are on a soul level, because that’s who you really are, and that’s the part of you that will never die and will live on forever.
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you will help me to step beyond this physical world, into the spiritual world, and please help me to come to the full understanding that you love me unconditionally just as I am, faults and all. I pray that you will help me to see the beauty in myself and find my identity in you, because I am your creation, and I know that your love is the only love that matters in this world above all else. Amen.