Today I want to talk about a lie that many people believe which is, that…

What is Soul Vision?
We are living in an age of spiritual growth… and growth isn’t always comfortable. We’re living in a world where each person has a barrage of labels placed upon them by others whether they like it or not. Many people today cannot seem to make sense of the world they are living in until they judge, categorize, and label a person. These labels usually come in the form of skin color, ethnicity, religion, or gender. It can also come in the form of preconceived notions passed down from person to person. It’s enough to drive a person crazy, especially to those who have already reached the next level of enlightenment where they can look at a person and see them for who they truly are, a divine soul. A part of God. A single part of the light of God, and that all the others around them are also a part of the divine light of God. We are all souls having a human experience here on earth, and one day we will all return home to where we all come from.
The separation we experience here on earth is purely because we live in physical bodies while here on earth. We don’t have physical bodies on the other side, our souls become orbs of light, but we do not lose our sense of self. On the other side we are all intrinsically connected to God, God’s love, and to one another. This separation we experience on earth is all an illusion and until people can put all of the physical input aside and look at one another and see a fellow soul, then society as a whole will continue to stay stuck in a lower level on consciousness.
Did you know that God speaks things into existence? And did you know that for this reason, He assigned a unique “soul name” to you when He created you? And did you know that the only reason you still exist is because God knows you. If God ever forgot about you, you would cease to exist. Think about that. That’s how powerful, wonderful, and oh so loving our God is, that He knows each and every one of us by name! The Bible says that He even knows how many hairs are on our heads. That means that He knows us intimately! God is close to us, even when we are not close to Him. Jesus says that He will draw near to those, who draw near to Him. And to seek and you shall find (Him). This means that God wants to be close to His creation and that He loves you very much. I can attest to the fact that the more I speak to Jesus, the more clearly I can decipher His voice and his guiding direction.
Most people look for God outside of themselves, but you’ll never find Him there because God is inside of you, and you are in Him. Check out this video where an Israeli scientist discovered that God’s signature is actually present in our DNA. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which is one of the oldest original Biblical languages in the world, has a numeric value, and that is how Dr. Rubinstein discovered this divine signature. The Creator, the one who made you, signed His creation with His name Y-H-V-H (or Y-H-V-H), which means God or Yahweh in Hebrew in your DNA. Isn’t that incredible?!
That being said, our bodies are not who we really are. Many people who have experienced a near death experience have said that once their soul left their body, and they looked down upon their body from above, they had zero attachment to their bodies because their bodies were not who they are, nor was it ever who they were. They still felt like themselves and that body lying on that operating table was just a “skin suit” that they had stepped out of. In order to move to a higher level of consciousness we need to reprogram our minds to look at one another as fellow souls, and children of God and allow that to unite us. We must remember that there will never be anyone you meet who God does not love, even those people whom you do not understand or get along with.
When many NDE’ers cross over to the other side, their temporary human life was reviewed so that they could experience first-hand all of the pain their actions caused others, and to experience all the joy their actions caused others. This is done so that we may learn from our lives, not as a punishment. We will get to experience our own actions as if they were being done to us personally so that we may gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and what it means to love.
Then, many people say, that they were then slowly integrated back into the overwhelming beauty, peace and oneness of God’s unconditional love and light where there is no more pain, no more suffering, no more judgement, no more hate, no more misunderstandings, no more hurt feelings, no more anxiety, no more confusion, no more sadness, or anger. Just the perfect love of God, and the feeling of being back home with God and all of the other souls who love you just as much as you love them. Could you imagine how wonderful that would feel?
But for now, until we are called home, we have to live in these physical bodies, playing the role of who we were assigned to be in this life, so that our souls can learn the lessons that we set out to learn before we were born. For this reason it’s important to remember that we are all suffering, we are all learning different things at different times, and at different rates, yet we all come from the same source, God, The Creator of all things, and that makes us brothers and sisters, so we must do our best to act like it. We must do the best we can, while we’re here on earth to show compassion, tolerance, patience, gentleness, kindness, and forgiveness towards one another, which are all different ways to express the love of God here on earth.
Going forward, try to adjust your vision to “soul vision mode” where you view everyone you see, as an extension of God, and therefore an extension of yourself. And remember that every time you give love, you are giving a piece of God to others and that’s the greatest gift of all.
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